Basic Web Page Creation

Creating Your Own Website using Jimdo

     Whether you're a complete newbie or already know a thing or two about websites, building your own website doesn't have to be overwhelming using this site. Jimdo is a WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) web hosting service. It offers free, professional, and business web hosting services.

    Let's go through a 5 step guide in creating a Jimdo website.

  1. Create an account on Jimdo by going to and clicking on "START NOW" under Create Your Free Website.
  2. You will be instructed to choose a template. Pick any template that suits your taste.
  3. Choose a URL for your website. Enter your email and password; alternatively, you can use your google or facebook account to register.
  4. Your website will be generated and soon you will end up in the site's WYSIWYG editor.
  5. The editor is pretty easy to use. The center shows the preview of your website. The design tools are shown as you click as you click on an element in your workspace or click on the menu located at the upper left corner of your page.
 It's time to edit the website to your liking, good luck and be creative!

Thanks for reading!
